Parmesan Rolls
Rated 3.6 stars by 21 users
Keto Fitness Club
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
These make excellent Cobblers too!
Makes 7 rolls - each roll contains:
225 Calories / 2.3g Carbs / 11.9g Protein / 18g Fat
Including the cream cheese filling, each roll contains:
262 Calories / 2.8g Carbs / 12.5g Protein / 21.5g Fat

70g Grated Mozzarella or Mozzarella Block
30g Grated Parmesan plus 10g for topping
15g Psyllium Husks
100g Ground Almonds or other milled nuts / seeds (e.g. sunflower)
70g Milled Linseed
2 Large Eggs
100ml Cold Water
1.5 tsp Baking Powder
1 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Garlic Powder
Seasoning of your choice - we used dried mixed herbs
Preheat the oven to 180°C.
If you’re using a mozzarella block, blitz this in a food processor until it resembles crumbs.
Add all the ingredients to 1 big bowl and stir well.
Allow the mix to rest for 5-10 minutes.
Using wet hands, separate the dough into rolls of equal weight. Place them a few centimetres apart on a lined baking tray.
If you’re making filled rolls, mix together the filling ingredients. Flatten each roll out in the palm of your hand and spoon some of the cream cheese into the centre of the dough. Carefully wrap the dough around the filling until it has all been concealed. Repeat for each dough ball and place them back on the tray.
Sprinkle the remaining 10g grated parmesan plus the garlic powder and any seasonings on top of the rolls.
Bake for 20-25 minutes until firm all round. They will be lovely and crispy on top! If they are going too brown on the outside, knock the temperature down to 160-170°C to ensure they’re not doughy in the middle.
Recipe Video
Nutrition per serving
Calories 225, Carbs (net) 2.3 grams, Protein 11.9 grams, Fat 18 grams