This was part of a Kailey's Celtic Cream tasting afternoon in Michele's Keto Kitchen with our members.
Kailey's Celtic Butterscotch Cream
Kailey's Celtic Butterscotch Cream
Rated 2.6 stars by 10 users
KetoFitness Club
Prep Time
5 minutes
Cook Time
5 minutes
This was part of a Kailey's Celtic Cream tasting afternoon in Michele's Keto Kitchen.
Makes 2 portions - each portion contains:
86 Calories / 0.6g Carbs / 0.7g Protein / 7.7g Fat
The sweeteners used in the Werthers' are isomalt and acesulphame-K. These are low carb due to their low GI, but they're not clean keto. The carbs listed on the Werthers packet are mainly from polyols, so have not been counted when tracking the macros.
1 Sugar Free Werther's Original (I know, please don't scoff the rest of the bag!!! :-) )
30ml Double cream
30ml Your favourite milk (I use full fat Lactose Free)
10ml Whisky
Add to a non stick saucepan double cream milk and 1 Sugar free Werther's Original
Bring to boil, and immediately turn down to a simmer. Stir until the butterscotch has dissolved. This takes patience :-)
Take off the heat, and then add the whisky and mix
Divide between 2 shot glasses
Nutrition per serving
Calories 86, Carbs (net) 0.6 grams, Protein 0.7 grams, Fat 7.7 grams